Israel & Overseas Today

Federation's I&O Impact - February 2022

JFNA’s Israel team monitors the news closely and speaks regularly with colleagues in civil society organizations and government to track significant movement on religion and state issues. In a comment that took many Jewish organizations by surprise, Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennet…

New Resources from the Taub Center: The Impact of COVID-19

Federations rely on the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel to provide high-quality, nonpartisan research on socioeconomic conditions in Israel that can inform our communities’ designated giving. Two new resources from the Taub Center illuminate important trends for the citizen…

Federation's I&O Impact - January 2022

This month, I’m pleased to start with some good news! Israel has scrapped its "red list" of countries where  travel was considered high risk due to  Covid-19, effectively reopening the border to travelers from the United States and around the world (Canadian travelers were welcomed back …

Introducing JReady

Federation support provides a lifeline for Jews in distress locally, in Israel, and across the globe. In response to the current COVID-19 crisis and in readiness for future emergencies that may arise, The Jewish Agency for Israel established JReady - a first-of-its-kind platform for emergenc…

Mazal Tov to Our Partners at JDC ESHEL

Federation’s longstanding commitment to the welfare of Israelis finds expression through the incredible work of our partner JDC’s ESHEL division. Established in 1969 and tasked with innovating solutions for Israel's aging population, around 1.3 million elderly, JDC ESHEL leads the Israel…