Israel & Overseas Today

Resources From The Israel Trauma Coalition

For more than 20 years, Federation partner the Israel Trauma Coalition (ITC) has helped individuals and communities cope successfully with traumatic experiences by building resilience and training emergency professionals.


ITC's expertise is now being called upon during this unprecedente…

One Week, Three National Holidays

Spring has arrived in Israel and with it budding hope that the coronavirus will start to recede. Government officials have already taken a set of initial steps to ease restrictions on movement and businesses, but remain vigilant in their efforts to prevent people from gathering. This year pe…

iRep 2019 Impact Report

Since 2015 Federations’ Israel Religious Expression Platform (iRep) initiative has been moving the needle on gaining popular grassroots support for freedom of choice in marriage and promoting religious diversity in Israel. This 2019 Impact Report includes infographics, personal stories, and more.

By Sea And By Land: IDF and Mossad Activity During the Pandemic

Israel has mobilized all its resources to help in the fight against the coronavirus, including most units of the IDF and the country’s security agencies.

Moadim L’Simcha, May Your Times Be Happy

On the interim days of Passover, also known as Hol Hamoed, Israelis typically greet each other with the Hebrew phrase “Moadim L’simcha” – may your times be happy. What an appropriate message of hope during these days of distance and fear.