
Federations and Philanthropy News Update, July 24, 2015

Jewish organizations across the country, including JFNA, weigh in on the Iranian nuclear agreement. You can find JFNA’s statement in full here.


Meanwhile, Federations are featured in Southern New Jersey; Birmingham; Cumberl…

Dr. Robert Satloff Webcast to Federations on Iran Available Online

Dr. Robert Satloff, leading Middle East expert and head of the Washington Institute, addressed 1,500 viewers on a Federation webcast on Iran. Videos of the webcast are now available to watch and share with your community. View the webcast.

Amid Turmoil, Federations’ Partners Are Lifeline for Greece’s Jews

AMID ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL TURMOIL IN GREECE and the highest prevalence of anti-Semitism since World War II, Federations’ partner agencies are a lifeline for the country’s 5,000 Jews.

Federation-funded JDC has provided the community with $1 million over the past 3 years to support mat…

Innovation Grants Are Helping Federations Launch Crowdfunding Campaigns

Innovation Grants from a national Federation fund are helping small and intermediate Federations launch crowdfunding campaigns. Akron’s Razoo campaign to restore a Jewish cemetery surpassed its goal and also raised funds for other local Jewish institutions; Chattanooga and Ann Arbor will …

Federations and Philanthropy News Update, July 22, 2015

A philanthropic foundation created by former Disney CEO Michael Eisner devotes itself to promoting intergenerational programs. The head of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America discusses the approaches Jewish organizations should take when discussing important public issues.

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