Federation Impact

Helping Rebuild Israel from the Ashes

For eight days in November 2016, nearly 2,000 fires ravaged communities across Israel. The devastating blazes forced more than 80,000 people to flee, destroyed over 600 homes and damaged hundreds more.
The fires were one of the costliest disasters in Israel’s history—on the financial …

JDC Takes the Fight Against Breast Cancer to Eastern Europe

It started, like so many revolutions these days, with a blog.


Breast cancer is a taboo subject in much of Eastern Europe, and women there often feel alone in their struggles against the disease.


Bori Halom started blogging in 2012, largely out of a need to break this silence. Soon …

Meet Israel's Gluten-Free Brew Guru

Growing up amid the smog and congestion of Los Angeles, Bryan Meadan dreamt of someday escaping to Israel. He could just picture himself living in the lush green Galilee, spending his nights with friends drinking beer under an open, starry sky. With help from Federation partner The Jewish Ag…

Young Negev Filmmaker Learns Art of Giving Back

The south of Israel can be a tough place to live. Besides the oppressive heat, there’s the constant threat of rockets from Gaza. But amid the sand and the sirens, there is an oasis where 19-year-old Itay could grow up and flourish free of fear.

At 15, Itay moved with his family from Israe…

Healing Sderot Through Art

For many, the city of Sderot doesn’t  evoke aesthetics. It’s not a wealthy place. There’s the constant threat of rocket attacks from neighboring Gaza. And tensions run high between longtime residents and newer students and young professionals.

Though Limor Max and Sharon Ken-Dor are …