Federation Impact

After the Fire, the Gift of Family

Just a few months ago, Odelia and Ohad Brat celebrated one of the happiest occasions of their lives: their son’s bar mitzvah. They’ll never forget when he received his brand-new tefillin—special leather boxes worn during prayer—from his beloved grandparents. Everyone was so filled wi…

Finding Heart Amid Tragedy

Oshra Levy was relieved. Her husband’s open heart surgery had gone well. After four weeks in the hospital, he was starting to regain his strength at their quiet home in Beit Meir, in the hills just west of Jerusalem.

Their peace didn’t last long. In the middle of the night, Oshra woke u…

Starting Over, Then Paying it Forward

Lana Alman escaped the U.S.S.R. with her family as a small girl with assistance from Federation-supported agencies. The generosity she was shown inspired her to pay it forward to help other immigrants professionally and through volunteering with Federation partner the American Jewish Joint D…

Finding My Philanthropic Home in Federation

It’s not often I meet someone whose life has taken a 180-degree turn for the better. But thanks to my involvement with Federation, I recently had the privilege of meeting Eli.

In April, I joined dozens of my fellow emerging philanthropists on Federations’ National Young Leadership Cabin…

Philanthropic Giving Helps Make the World Better Place

Fourteen-year-old Rose was trapped in the Ludmir ghetto. A strong young woman, she was forced into hard labor by the Germans, cleaning their homes, digging frozen fields, and transporting human waste. The shining light in her life was Carl Goldberg—a man 12 years her senior who lost his wi…