Federation Impact

Happy Chanukah!

Making a better world takes the right ingredients. Wishing you a happy Chanukah!

Keeping Houston Afloat, A Year After Harvey

One year ago, on August 25, 2017, Hurricane Harvey bore down on Houston, unloading 19 trillion gallons of water on the city — more than a year’s worth of rain in just five days.

The impact on the local Jewish community was devastating. More than 2,000 Jewish households flooded, and sev…

Support for Children with Special Needs

“I couldn’t learn the Hebrew alphabet to save my life,” admits teenager Max Granitz as he recalls his bar mitzvah preparations. Attending Hebrew school was a challenge for this bright student with Asperger Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder that can hinder an individual’s learnin…

Living the Dream

Yutti is many things. A mother. A wife. A scientist. Learn how Movilot, a program of Federation partner JDC, helped Yutti find a path that allows her to stay true to her values and family while also having a fulfilling professional life.

Making Young Lives Bloom in the Negev

Lior came after high school. She wanted to know her country, better before she joined the army. Though she could only stay a few months, she knew from the first whiff of desert air that she would be back.

Yulia came from Belarus. She didn’t know what being Jewish meant until she took a Ta…