
Federations' Effort to Counter Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

Federations' effort to counter boycott, divestment and sanctions, led by the Israel Action Network, could be aided by a new Congressional resolution introduced by Reps. Ed Royce (R-CA) and Eliot Engel (D-NY). The resolution expresses Congress’ opposition to BDS, calls on the Administratio…

Federations and Philanthropy News Update, August 10, 2015

Thousands of young Jewish adults from North America spend five to 10 months in Israel working and volunteering as part of Masa Israel programs, which are funded in part by Federations. Jewish communities seek to make sense of numerous polls showing diverse reactions to the Iran nuclear agree…

Federations and Philanthropy News Update, August 7, 2015

A Ukrainian rabbi opens a free summer camp for Jewish refugees in Donetsk.
•    Jerusalem Post – Donetsk rabbi opens summer camp for Ukrainian war refugees


Meanwhile, Federations are featured in Greater MetroWest NJ, San Francisco and the East Bay, St. Louis and Southern Maine.

Measuring Program Effectiveness and Impact

Measuring program effectiveness and impact is crucial to nonprofit health and sustainability. At the 2015 GA, learn about assessment models and how Hillel is employing a strategic review process to fuel their overall organizational strategy. See the full program and register now.

Energy Secretary and Nuclear Physicist Dr. Ernest Moniz Iran Webcast

Energy Secretary and Nuclear Physicist Dr. Ernest Moniz will discuss the Iran nuclear agreement in a live webcast, co-sponsored by Jewish Federations and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, on Thursday, August 13 at 2:00 PM ET. Register now.