
Federations Highlight Need to Include People with Disabilities

During Jewish disability awareness and inclusion month, Federations in Miami, Washington, MetroWest NJ, St. Louis and New York are hosting events to highlight the need to create more inclusive communities. Share your community's plan, and register now for Federations’ joint Jewish Disab…

Review IRS's Election Do's and Don'ts for Nonprofits

2016 elections present opportunities for Federations to engage politically. Before you do, read this election do's and don'ts checklist for nonprofits and memo on IRS guidelines. For more information contact Federations’ Washington office.

New FedCentral Is Here! Register Now

New FedCentral is here! A Wikipedia of shared Federation knowledge, the new FedCentral puts the best resources of the Federation movement at your fingertips. But it can’t happen without you. Register now and sign up for a training session.