Federation Impact

Itzhak Perlman, a Blind Rabbi & More Highlight Need for Disability Advocacy

When Israeli-American violinist Itzhak Perlman debuted at Carnegie Hall in 1963, he performed while seated — a consequence of the polio that left him unable to walk without leg braces or crutches since age 4.

"I got a standing ovation, but The New York Times reviewer wasn’t sure if that…

Advocating for Disability Rights & Inclusion: It Takes a Community

Kehillah. Community. It’s a core Jewish value, one that teaches we have a commitment to care for the health and welfare of each of our community members. It’s that commitment that fuels our Jewish communal organizations, institutions, social services and thousands of volunteers, all…

Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Don’t believe everything you read. While a recent article in eJewishPhilanthropy proclaimed with confidence that “Less is More” when it comes to Federations’ overseas giving – and made certain declarations about it – the statement is simply not true. As 2020 came to a close, 146…

Soviet Refusenik Gives Back to Her Washington Community

The Shalom Education Center in Rockville, MD, has been a center of Jewish life for Russian-speaking Jewish families since 2003. That’s when it was founded by Ella Kagan, a refusenik who wanted to provide her own community with something important that had been lacking: a joyful place…

Following Assault on Capitol, Federations Urge Country to Move Forward

Below is a statement from The Jewish Federations of North America made by Mark Wilf, Chair of the Board of Trustees, and Eric Fingerhut, President & CEO.

Following yesterday’s horrifying assault on our nation's democracy, we were gratified that calm was restored quickly and Congress went…