FRD Cabinet

The JFNA Financial Resources Department has recruited a group of high-level, experienced leaders to serve as a strategic governing body for our activities. This FRD Cabinet, which includes past campaign chairs, city-size representatives and affinity representatives, will help the JFNA FRD Department set our vision and strategy and prioritize our work.

Harold Gernsbacher National Campaign Chair, Dallas

Judy Altenberg National Women's Philanthropy Chair, Colorado

Joli Altshule Joshua Society Chair, Los Angeles

Brian Bilzin At Large, Miami

David T. Brown Israel & Overseas Chair, Chicago

Bryan Drowos National Young Leadership Chair, South Palm Beach County

Beth Goldsmith National Prime Minister's Council Chair, Baltimore

Todd Gorelick Intermediate, Charlotte

Suzanne Barton Grant National King David Society Chair, Delaware

Joshua Green Joshua Society Chair, Sarasota

J. David Heller At Large, Cleveland

Jonathan Hoffer At Large, Phoenix

Alison Lebovitz Small, Chattanooga

Cindy Moskowitz Large Intermediate, Dallas

Julie Wise Oreck Network Chair, New Orleans

Julie Platt Large City, Los Angeles

Leslie Dannin Rosenthal Large City, Greater MetroWest

Ronna Schneider National Young Leadership Chair, Cincinnati

David Schulman Large Intermediate, Broward

S. Stephen Selig Past National Campaign Chair, Atlanta

Bruce Sholk At Large, Baltimore

Richard Sisisky Planned Giving & Endowments Chair, Jacksonville

Steve Weiss Intermediate, Buffalo

Mark Wilf Past National Campaign Chair, Greater MetroWest