New Resources from the Taub Center: The Impact of COVID-19

Federations rely on the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel to provide high-quality, nonpartisan research on socioeconomic conditions in Israel that can inform our communities’ designated giving. Two new resources from the Taub Center illuminate important trends for the citizens of Israel, with key lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.


The recently published annual Herbert M. Singer Series State of the Nation Report examines the issues that most impact the daily lives of Israelis including healthcare, education, job markets, welfare, and macroeconomic policy. In addition to an overview of Israeli society and economy, including Israel’s evolving response to COVID-19, the report also provides a look at the impact of Israel’s unique demography on its institutions and ability to plan for the future.


For an analysis of the effects of Covid-19 on the way Israelis work, give a listen to DataPoint, The Taub Center’s podcast, to hear experts discuss the impact of the pandemic on Israel’s vulnerable populations.


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